In the book "The TransHuman Code", the authors Carlos Moreira and David Fergusson ask the question: "Are we building a better future for humanity with the help of technology or on the contrary a better future of tec Hnology at the expense of humanity? ". We must learn to put humanity first,...
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#TransHumanCode Series on #AI. by Creus Moreira Carlos The "TransHuman Code" series focuses on the intersection of humanity and technology, emphasizing the importance of preserving human values and needs amidst technological advancements. The core message advocates for a future where technology...
WISeKey International Holding Ltd (“WISeKey “) (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a leading global cybersecurity, AI, Blockchain and IoT company and the foundation presented the subject of AI and Digital Identity at the Global Dialog on the interplay between Human Intelligence and...
Carlos Moreira and David Fergusson
Co-authored by Carlos Creus Moreira and David Fergusson, Humanity at the Crossroad delivers a powerful and fluid exploration of the transformative convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing—two technologies that are reshaping the world faster than society can adapt.