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Fully synchronized with the same prayer

February 26, 2024

Pope Francis said in Laudato si’. The fact is that “contemporary man has not been trained to use power well”, because our immense technological development has not been accompanied by a development in human responsibility, values and conscience.

In #transhumancode Are we building a better future for humanity with the help of magnificent technology or are we instead building a better future of better technology at the expense of humanity?” We must learn to put humanity first instead of getting caught up in the promise of technological advancement. Humans have been able to adapt, morph, and compromise in every situation we have faced over the centuries and have been able to maintain dominance. We must approach the promises of technology with the same adaptability so we can ensure humanity continues to thrive.

Carlos Moreira and David Fergusson

Humanity at the Crossroad

Co-authored by Carlos Creus Moreira and David Fergusson, Humanity at the Crossroad delivers a powerful and fluid exploration of the transformative convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing—two technologies that are reshaping the world faster than society can adapt.
